Hi again all!
At last I remembered & have time to make the guide for the LTE connection , so here I am.
First a bit of help for Chuckster. I was just having the same kind of problems with my inadyn, which is a bit weird as a couple of weeks ago I set it up successfully on my home server with Ubuntu. In the end I gave up using inadyn, as I realised I only need to update the dns when starting to use the drone, as the IP won't change while in use. I am using freedns.afraid.org as my dyndns service, and they give a "Direct IP update url". With that, I could just "wget the update url" at the startup and the RPi IP would be updated. Now my problem is my ISP which has way too long DNS cache flushing, but that should be fixable. And anyway I would just need to wait 5min for the flush to happen.
As for the LTE guide:
The nasty thing is, that you might need to switch the modem manually. Actually it looks like it should be automatical depending on the dongle. I am using some Telewell modem with ZTE chip, which needs to be switched twice, so weirdly I had to add one manual switch. Let's check if it's automatical and give some instructions if not. Checking is easy:
- After plugging in the dongle typing ifconfig shows a WWAN0 interface
- You can see cdc-wdm0 with ls /dev/
- If not, you need to do the switching.
Here's some basic advice for that. Google is really good for filling the missing information. Skip this if you could find WWAN0 or cdc-wdm0
1. Run “lsusb”. This shows the dongle vendor and product IDs, e.g. 19d2 and 0413 for the TeleWell
2. Try out eject /dev/sr0, that might be enough and rest is ok to skip. It's enough if lsusb shows different ID after it.
3. Check if ls /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/ has a file called VID😛ID. If so and you don't have the WWAN0 or cdc-wdm0, the modem needs to be switched twice. If that file doesn't exist, you need to google how it should look like.
4. So you need to add “usb_modeswitch -W -I -c /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/VID:PID” (VID = 19d2 and PID = 0413 in my case) to /etc/rc.local. This will run the script for a second time during the boot.
5. The modem should be set up and after reboot ls /dev/ should show cdc-wdm0 and ifconfig should show WWAN0.
6. Now you can use your favourite software to connect to the network. One example below.
For RasPi only way I got the connection work at startup was UQMI, and I had some problems installing it. I also haven't tried these instructions on a clean RPi, but I had played around a lot when I got it working.
Use “sudo apt-get install libjson0 libjson-dev” to install json libraries. You can test if this is enough like it should be and skip the next step (2).
No need if step 1 is enough. You can just try step 3 and if it complains about json-c, then install and compile json-c from git.
If previous steps succeeded, you can install libubox from git
- git clone git://nbd.name/luci2/libubox.git /opt/git/libubox
- cd /opt/git/libubox/
- cmake CMakeLists.txt -DBUILD_LUA=OFF
- make
- sudo make install
Then git, compile and install uqmi
- cd ~
- sudo git clone git://nbd.name/uqmi.git
- cd uqmi
- sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
- sudo make install
Now you should be able to connect to internet with sudo uqmi -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --start-network "APN". You might need to give --username and --password too. uqmi --help and shift+pageup helps a lot!
Hopefully this works, and there is no mistakes!