Hello from USA again. Hows it going Bernt?
Still having fun with this cellular stuff. Had a pretty bad quad crash and my Verizon hotspot barely works, so I've decided to use Huawei 3276. Also, I'm trying Raspberry Pi 3! A couple of corrections and questions. First, the install should be usb-modeswitch, not usb_modeswitch. When you Save a file as /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/idVendor, you have ltVendor= 0x12d1, should probably be IdVendor. Also, when you type 0x12d1, is that 0 then the letter "x" then 12d1(is it the same for wvdial.conf file, use the letter "x" in message endpoint)?Also, would my file /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/12d1:14fe have exactly the same contents, ie message content "00000000.....00000" and everything?
Also, the Phone = *99# won't be the same for everyone.
Anyways, my problem is when I try to run wvdial i get: Cannot open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory. One more question, do I have to have a sd card in my modem?