Well, thank you for showing this. I ordered a pixhawk and am looking forward to this setup. As for the APM, I think I'm getting closer to solving this problem. I can pull my RX wire from the APM (the one that goes to TTL converter TXD) and I have the EXACT same problem. Everything will run the same as my video, with only the APM TX wire conncected, and the APM RX not connected to anything. I have 3dr 433 Mhz radios, so I know there is not a problem with APM internally with the RX. The 5th telemetry wire bothers me. I have begun the internet search for the function of this extra wire.
Also, I "fooled" mission planner a little bit. I went to initial setup wizzard and tried to make it connect UDP. Instead of getting a blank "updating params" it got stuck on "sysid1 compid 1". Upon googling this, I came across an interesting post from Michael Oborne, dated April 23, 2014 ."you are only getting traffic one way. MP required 2 way traffic. check your wiring."
Also, I found this, but not sure what they are suggesting with an OSD.
Thanks for reading. Weather is getting nicer, and I plan on doing a lot of flying this summer. :-)