hi @Sinamics i have some question about LTE communication between the UAV and
the Computer Ground Station software.I can use UAVcast in same local internet.
Can you teach more detail about how to set UAVcast with LTE.In ground control
station page,my LTE not have public ip so i'm go to no-ip apply an account for
ground control station and enter Hostname on ground station IP right?Did I set
the wrong thing?I've been confused for days🙁
my DroneConfig.twt set
"Cntrl": "APM",
"Telemetry_Type": "gpio",
"GCS_address": "XXXXX(no-ip hostname)",
"PORT": "14550",
"secondary_tele": "Yes",
"sec_ip_address": "",
"sec_port": "14550",
"GSM_Connect": "Yes",
"MM_Con_Check": "Yes",
"APN_name": "internet",
"MM_Modem": "cdc-wdm0",
"MM_Username": "test",
"MM_Password": "test",
"MM_Pin": "0000",
"UseCam": "No",
"CameraType": "C920",
"WIDTH": "640",
"HEIGHT": "360",
"UDP_PORT": "5600",
"BITRATE": "1500000",
"FPS": "30",
"UseDns": "Yes",
"Username": "XXXXXXX",(is this enter noip account for pi ?)
"Password": "XXXXXXX",(diffent with GCS_address??)
"Alias": "XXX.bounceme.net",
"dyndns_system": "default@no-ip.com",
"APM_type": "Plane",
"vpn_use": "No",
"vpn_username": "",
"vpn_password": "",
"vpn_type": "Openvpn"
Sorry, my English is so bad. I hope you can understand what I want to say.