edsellar Possible? Anyone tried? I got it quasi working but won’t load paramd so works for a little. Can’t send anything either, only receive. Thoughts? Used rpi3, pix1 with px4 stable (1.6.5) and qgroundcontrol.
Sinamics edsellar Yes, PX4 should work with UAVcast. I guess Px4 and Ardupilot uses same serial packages format.
edsellar Ok. Thanks. Great stuff by the way. I’m going to keep trying today. Beyond the topical stuff (estimators, etc), ardu* has a different set of mavlink commands and level of coding stringency but with straight pass through of serial none of that should matter. Can I alter the ser2netn serial baud (easily and without rebuild)?
Sinamics edsellar Can I alter the ser2netn serial baud (easily and without rebuild)? Yes, Change the baud rate here and just restart UAVcast. You don`t need to rebuild.
mocart I have my secondary pixhawk with px4 running with uavcast + pi0w and it works fine 🙂. What type of camera are you planning to use ?
edsellar mocart great to hear! Just was going to use it for Telem over LTE but will give gstreamer a try. Want to try with a ublox Toby or related unit but cost can’t beat usb and pi.