Dear Bernt, dear members,
we are the makers of Pilotanywhere, a cloud-based MAVLink GCS . In a way we do a similar thing.
For the last mile, we mainly use the 4G connection, ie. between our vehicles and our platform. But the link to the pilot is based on the WAN.
That's the difference here. So it may be the 4G connection again, but it doesn't have to be that.
We hope you find our platform useful and also find some time to make some real flights via Pilotanywhere.
If you want, you can use your local SITL instance to connect to our platform, for testing purposes. I think you know how to do that. If not, just take a look at .
We have also a video streaming tool, which uses Gstreamer. So let us know, if you need some information about that for your projects.
- the Pilotanywhere crew.