Regarding Pixhawk, why you don't use the Sbec 5V5A ?
3DR power module also gives me live measurement of the battery voltage and current draw inflight, which is very useful.
momoleharico Your 3dr power modul is an other LIPO Battery ?
No, everything is powered from the same battery.
You could however use a seperate battery for pixhawk ect.
momoleharico Also, could you give me the link or the name of the various cables for the Pixhawk and
Serial to Ethernet adapter that you advise me in the past please ?
Serial to Eth you can find everywhere. Just google it, Example bellow.
That`s interesting. You are running mavlink, right?
Could you please post your video resolution, framrate? Latency? A youtube video would be awesome
Dont you have a 2.4Ghz radio you could test with?
to bad it wont work with 75Mhz.
Ethernet to Serial Web Server Module
• 3.3V TTL UART, Xbee compatible 20-pin • 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY• TCP/IP Protocols• RoHS Compliant