hey Kekko,
I decided to buy Radiolink Pixhawk because I know this company from other RC tools / RCs, TXs / and they are doing overall good quality products. Its little more than half price of regular 3DR flying controller but it`s also developed as 2.4.6 version (same as 3DR). Radiolink can be little improved then regular, it suport 2MB ( what is unavailable for 3DR products as I know).
I was reading about 2.4.8 version and I know this version was never developed by 3DR and maybe something else can be different than regular Pixhawk. I assume there are 2 different version of 2.4.8 controllers: one with 1MB of Flash memory support and second one with 2MB support. In my opinion you should to buy version with 2MB support.
There was a disussion on my local PL language forum around this topic and peoples were sharing links to shops that are selling this 2MB version. Link you can find below:
Pixhawk 2.4.8 from BG
Here you are also link to shop were I order my Radiolink version: Radiolink 2.4.6 Pixhawk