Well, Just finished everything but don´t know if it´s doing right
First of all, I followed your guide and installed everything on my PI B, also made modifications on the main config file
Then I followed this tutorial (http://ardupilot.org/dev/docs/raspberry-pi-via-mavlink.html) to communicate PI B with Pixhawk, but when I test connection using:
sudo -s
mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyAMA0 --baudrate 57600 --aircraft MyCopter
I find non readable data (not telemetry) is being shown in terminal and then I get kicked out Putty
I have to say I´m connected to PI using my router, so it´s not directly connected to my laptop (I think this shouldnt matter)
Anyway, supposing that I can get telemetry from my PIX to PI, now what? I haven´t configured my USB modem (not even the PIN code) or told your sript that telemetry must be got from serial instead of the UDP redirect
Any advices or guide during the procces??
Thanks a lot